Рос Еджли е бодибилдър, автор на книги и състезател в плувните маратони, организирани от Red Bull. Наскоро той успя да преплува 100 километра в открито море в рамките на 48 часа, без дори да спира.

Еджли е прекарал около година в подготовка за това постижение, като е работил със световни професионалисти в плуването и фитнеса, консумирайки повече от 15 000 калории всеки ден.

Но по-интересното за него е, че стоте километра не се считат за най-голямото му изпитание. В края на 2017 г. Еджли преплува 40 километра в Карибския канал, влачейки 50-килограмов дънер, закачен за кръста му.

We're going again #StrongmanSwim Ocean Crossing Number 2... #StrongmanSwimming has been an incredible, year-long journey that's been helped and inspired by some amazing people and whilst swimming 50km across the Caribbean Sea towing a 100-lbs tree is great... the "adventurer" in me HAS to see this finish swimming from one island to the other and touching the beach. It sounds odd to many (I know) since the crossing is only 40km and I swam more, but it's something I HAVE to do (@royalmarines "Don't wrap") At this point we are plotting maps, tides, and waves (again) but I CANNOT thank the teams at @thebodyholiday and @redbulluk enough. They were each asked if they would support me (again) across 19 hours, 6ft waves and hours of complete darkness... no one hesitated once! Not only that, my St Lucian sister @danidevaux (who took this incredible image) and @robjjeffers are currently carb loading and getting their trunks to join parts of the swim, @hestersabery is prepping @theproteinworks food and learning tidal patterns, @benwilkin91 is considering swimming AGAIN, there's talk of @kerianne_payne @davidrcarry and the @triscape_ bossing the boat and my media brobarians @casholini and @anthonyrb1 are planning to conquer the sea (for a second time). Again to everyone who's commented, shared or liked this journey... THANK YOU so so much and to everyone who was worried (my mum and dad included) so sorry, but this is just something I (and we as a team) need to finish.... "Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more" (Shakespeare from Henry V)...

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Атлетът е плувал над 19 часа, като е трябвало да се справя с течения и двуметрови вълни, за да измине заветните 40 километра. Но, отново, това не е най-забележителното в случая. След като стига до финала, Еджли продължава да плува и в крайна сметка изминава над 100 километра, влачейки дънера.