На 83-годишна възраст почина актьорът Пол Нюман след продължително боледуване от рак.
Нюман е носител на Оскар, два Златни глобуса, Еми и наградата на фестивала в Кан.
Кариерата на актьора започва през 50-те години с роли в театъра и телевизията. По-късно той се превръща в една от най-популярните филмови звезди.
Номиниран е десет пъти за Оскар. През 1987 г. печели престижната американска филмова награда за ролята си в "Цвета на парите". Още през 1958 г. Нюман печели признанието на европейската публика на фестивала в Кан с наградата за най-добър актьор в "Дългото горещо лято".
По известни филми, в които е участвал, са "Бъч Касиди и Сънданс Кид", "Ужилването", "Котка върху горещ ламаринен покрив", "Непокорният Люк", "Удар със стик".
Нюман е работил с най-големите режисьори на Холивуд, между които Алфред Хичкок, Джон Хюстън, Робърт Олтман, Мартин Скорсезе и братя Коен. Партнирал е на Елизабет Тейлър, Робърт Редфорд, Лорън Бакол, Том Круз.
- Mater and the Ghostlight (2006) (V) (voice) .... Doc Hudson
- Cars (2006) (VG) (voice) .... Doc Hudson
- Cars (2006) (voice) .... Doc Hudson
- Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon 3D (2005) (voice) .... Dave Scott
- Empire Falls (2005) (TV) .... Max Roby
- Our Town (2003) (TV) .... Stage Manager
- "Freedom: A History of Us" .... Justice Earl Warren / ... (2 episodes, 2003)
- Democracy and Struggles (2003) TV episode .... Justice Earl Warren
- Safe for Democracy (2003) TV episode .... Woodrow Wilson - Road to Perdition (2002) .... John Rooney
- Where the Money Is (2000) .... Henry Manning
... aka Hei©¬er Coup, Ein (Germany)
... aka Where the Money is - Ein hei©¬er Coup (Germany: DVD box title) - Message in a Bottle (1999) .... Dodge Blake
- Twilight (1998) .... Harry Ross
- Nobody's Fool (1994) .... Sully Sullivan
- The Hudsucker Proxy (1994) .... Sidney J. Mussburger
... aka Hudsucker - Der gro©¬e Sprung (Germany) - Mr. & Mrs. Bridge (1990) .... Walter Bridge
- Blaze (1989) .... Gov. Earl K. Long
- Fat Man and Little Boy (1989) .... Gen. Leslie R. Groves
... aka Shadow Makers (UK) - The Color of Money (1986) .... Fast Eddie Felson
- Harry & Son (1984) .... Harry Keach
- The Verdict (1982) .... Frank Galvin
- Come Along with Me (1982) (TV)
- Absence of Malice (1981) .... Michael Colin Gallagher
- Fort Apache the Bronx (1981) .... Murphy
- When Time Ran Out... (1980) .... Hank Anderson
... aka The Day the World Ended (Philippines: English title) (USA: video title)
... aka Earth's Final Fury (USA: TV title) - Quintet (1979) .... Essex
- Slap Shot (1977) .... Reggie 'Reg' Dunlop
- "Great Performances: Dance in America" .... Narrator (1 episode, 1976)
... aka Dance in America (USA: short title)
- American Ballet Theatre (1976) TV episode .... Narrator - Buffalo Bill and the Indians, or Sitting Bull's History Lesson (1976) .... The Star/William F. Cody
... aka Buffalo Bill and the Indians - The Drowning Pool (1975) .... Lew Harper
- The Towering Inferno (1974) .... Doug Roberts
- The Sting (1973) .... Henry Gondorff
- The MacKintosh Man (1973) .... Joseph Rearden
- The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean (1972) .... Judge Roy Bean
- Pocket Money (1972) .... Jim Kane
- Sometimes a Great Notion (1971) .... Hank Stamper
... aka Never Give an Inch (UK) - WUSA (1970) .... Rheinhardt
- Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) .... Butch Cassidy
- Winning (1969) .... Frank Capua
- The Secret War of Harry Frigg (1968) .... Pvt. Harry Frigg
- Cool Hand Luke (1967) .... Luke
- Hombre (1967) .... John Russell
- Torn Curtain (1966) .... Professor Michael Armstrong
- Harper (1966) .... Lew Harper
... aka The Moving Target (UK) - Lady L (1965) .... Armand Denis
- The Outrage (1964) .... Juan Carrasco
- What a Way to Go! (1964) .... Larry Flint
- The Prize (1963) .... Andrew Craig
- A New Kind of Love (1963) .... Steve Sherman
- Hud (1963) .... Hud Bannon
- Hemingway's Adventures of a Young Man (1962) .... The Battler
... aka Adventures of a Young Man (UK)
... aka Ernest Hemingway's Adventures of a Young Man (USA: complete title) - Sweet Bird of Youth (1962) .... Chance Wayne
- Paris Blues (1961) .... Ram Bowen
- The Hustler (1961) .... Eddie Felson
... aka Robert Rossen's The Hustler (USA: complete title) - Exodus (1960) .... Ari Ben Canaan
- From the Terrace (1960) .... David Alfred Eaton
- The Young Philadelphians (1959) .... Anthony Judson Lawrence/Narrator
... aka The City Jungle (UK) - Rally 'Round the Flag, Boys! (1958) .... Harry Bannerman
- Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958) .... Brick Pollitt
- The Left Handed Gun (1958) .... Billy The Kid
- The Long, Hot Summer (1958) .... Ben Quick
- "Playhouse 90" .... Christian Darling (1 episode, 1958)
- The 80 Yard Run (1958) TV episode .... Christian Darling - Until They Sail (1957) .... Capt. Jack Harding
- The Helen Morgan Story (1957) .... Larry Maddux
... aka Both Ends of the Candle (UK)
... aka Why Was I Born? (USA: alternative title) - "The Kaiser Aluminum Hour" .... Charlie Correlli / ... (2 episodes, 1956)
- The Rag Jungle (1956) TV episode .... Charlie Correlli
- The Army Game (1956) TV episode .... Danny Scott - The Rack (1956) .... Capt. Edward W. Hall Jr.
- "The United States Steel Hour" .... Giorgio / ... (3 episodes, 1954-1956)
... aka The U.S. Steel Hour (USA: alternative title)
- Bang the Drum Slowly (1956) TV episode .... Henry Wiggen
- The Five Fathers of Pepi (1956) TV episode .... Giorgio
- The Rise and Fall of Silas Lapham (1954) TV episode .... Tom Corey - Somebody Up There Likes Me (1956) .... Rocky
- "Playwrights '56" .... The Battler (1 episode, 1955)
... aka Pontiac Playwrights '56 (USA)
... aka The Playwright Hour
- The Battler (1955) TV episode .... The Battler - "Producers' Showcase" .... George Gibbs (1 episode, 1955)
- Our Town (1955) TV episode .... George Gibbs - "The Philco Television Playhouse" .... Billy the Kid (1 episode, 1955)
... aka Arena Theatre (USA: new title)
... aka Repertory Theatre (USA: new title)
... aka The Philco-Goodyear Television Playhouse (USA: new title)
- The Death of Billy the Kid (1955) TV episode .... Billy the Kid - "Appointment with Adventure" .... Mack (2 episodes, 1955)
- Honeymoon in Spain (1955) TV episode
- Five in Judgment (1955) TV episode .... Mack - The Silver Chalice (1954) .... Basil
- "Danger" (1 episode, 1954)
- Knife in the Dark (1954) TV episode - "Armstrong Circle Theatre" (1 episode, 1954)
- The Contender (1954) TV episode - "Goodyear Television Playhouse" (2 episodes, 1954)
... aka Goodyear Playhouse (USA: new title)
- Thunder of Silence (1954) TV episode
- Guilty Is the Stranger (1954) TV episode - "The Mask" (1 episode, 1954)
- The Party Night (1954) TV episode - "The Joe Palooka Story" .... Fight Spectator (1 episode, 1954)
- The Big Blow-Off (1954) TV episode (uncredited) .... Fight Spectator - "The Web" .... Alex (4 episodes, 1952-1953)
- The Leech (1953) TV episode .... Alex
- One for the Road (1953) TV episode .... Alex
- The Bells of Damon (1953) TV episode .... Alex
- Deadlock (1952) TV episode .... Alex - "You Are There" .... Nathan Hale / ... (3 episodes, 1953)
- The Fate of Nathan Hale (September 22, 1776) (1953) TV episode .... Nathan Hale
- The Death of Socrates (399 B.C.) (1953) TV episode .... Plato
- The Assassination of Julius Caesar (March 15, 44 B.C.) (1953) TV episode - "The Aldrich Family" (1949) TV series .... Occasional Cast Member (1952-53)
- "Suspense" .... Capt. Radetski (1 episode, 1952)
- Woman in Love (1952) TV episode .... Capt. Radetski - "Tales of Tomorrow" .... Sergeant Wilson (1 episode, 1952)
- Ice from Space (1952) TV episode .... Sergeant Wilson
на 28.09.2008 в 19:22:11 #8Robert Redford
на 28.09.2008 в 17:18:53 #7на 2 снимка как се казваше актиора до него че не мога да се сетя
на 28.09.2008 в 16:29:47 #6Почивай в мир!

на 28.09.2008 в 13:49:48 #5Е неее.Много тъпо.Почивай в мир Пол.Поклон пред паметта ти.
Restless Heart
на 28.09.2008 в 01:25:48 #4ВЕЛИК

на 28.09.2008 в 01:13:54 #3remarek, Каква недооцененост, какви 5 лева? Нюман има спечелен Оскар, още 9 номинации и почетна награда на академията а цялостен принос в киното! Остави следа завинаги.
на 28.09.2008 в 01:10:46 #2Голям е
на 27.09.2008 в 22:55:43 #1Бог да го прости. Един от най-недооценените актьори в Холивуд, но велик.